Reiki (pronounced ray - key) is a gentle healing energy that can do no harm. In Japanese “rei” means universe, higher knowledge, or spiritual consciousness. “Ki” refers to the vital life force energy that moves through all things. Ki is also referred to as Chi in Chinese or Prana in Sanskrit.

What is Reiki?
Essentially Reiki translates into:
Universal Life Force Energy

Who can receive or learn Reiki?

Anyone is able to receive or learn Reiki. It does not matter how spiritual you are or your background. Reiki's healing light is literally for everyone, including babies, children, adults, plants, and animals.
How can Reiki do no harm?

During each session I set the intention that you receive exactly what you need for your highest good with the most benevolent outcome. In addition, Reiki is of a higher knowledge with a spiritual consciousness and knows exactly what you need and where to direct this healing light.
How does Reiki work?

Healing sessions are best described as a team effort between Reiki, the practitioner, your higher-self, and other loving light beings. The practitioner acts as a vessel to hold space for this healing energy to flow through them to the client. The client’s higher-self also plays a role in determining what they are ready and able to receive at that moment in time. For this reason, each session can vary greatly even with the same client and healer.
Do I have to lie still the whole time?

You do not need to be experienced at meditating or even need to be still at all to receive Reiki. I've sent long-distance Reiki to individuals while they watched T.V. because trying to lie still and quiet their mind caused them too much anxiety. I highly recommend picking an activity that you find calming and soothing. I've sent Reiki to individuals while they focused on a passionate hobby or went outside in nature for a walk. Every individual's needs are different and Reiki is just as effective when paired with calming activity. For those who enjoy lying down and being present during the session, you create a better opportunity to tune in and have an experience with this healing light. Intuition is in the present moment, so if you are present you are more likely to notice sensations, but it is not necessary in order to heal.

How can Reiki help me?

Reiki energy is able to help heal you physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Often times when we suppress old wounds, trauma, and limiting beliefs they tend to over time manifest into physical ailments. As you clear and release energetic layers that no longer serve you your physical body will start to heal as well. There is no limit to what Reiki can assist. Some examples include but are not limited to:
Clearing energy blocks
Releasing limited beliefs
Creating healthy boundaries
Connecting to your intuition & guidance
Healing old wounds and trauma
Dissolving fears and anxieties
Releasing depression & bringing joy back to your life
Healing and releasing sabotaging patterns
Chakra clearing & balancing
Cultivating self-love
Relieving physical pain
Bring feelings of stability, peace, & relaxation
Blossom into the best version of you!

"I am an endless well of love and I give you all my love."
Louise Hay

Long Distant Healing
Available via zoom & phone.

Are You Ready for a Change?

Energy is not restricted by time and space. Long distant healing sessions are just as effective as in person sessions. As a healer the best thing the practitioner can do is to create a safe place to feel seen and heard. This allows the client to energetically be open and receptive to receiving what they need in that moment in time.
Does long distant healing work?

Long distant healing comes very natural to me. I am able to allow myself to go into a very deep state where I can feel and sense your energy body. I often experience in my own body what areas need to be cleared and receive healing light. Each session is unique and I receive guidance and assistance in different ways.
How does long distant healing work?

Save money on gas or a baby sitter.
Utilize your time more effectively.
Avoiding sitting in traffic and traveling back & forth.
Allows exhausted & busy individuals time for self-care.
Perfect for individuals who are bed-bound or in a coma.
Great way for your pets to receive healing support without extra hassle of taking them somewhere.
Enjoy at the comfort of your own home.
Enjoy your session, while doing something you love.
Advantages to long distant healing?

Are you new to Reiki? Anytime we try something new it can be a little scary. Change can bring up feelings of hesitation, concerns, or even fears.

FAQ about Sessions
Even individuals who are experienced with Reiki can be on guard with a new healer. Many healers have their own unique style and beliefs. To help you have a better understanding of my approach and what to expect during a session with me click the links below.